von | 28.08.201709:00 |
bis | 01.09.201717:00 |
Dauer | 5 Tage |
Name | BioInnovationsZentrum Dresden |
Anschrift | Tatzberg 47 |
Stadt | 01307 Dresden, Germany |
Name | Frau Astrid HolzhauerDepartment for Development and International Affairs, Medical Faculty at the Technische Universität Dresden |
Telefon | +49 (0)351 458 19499 |
info@summerschool-dresden.de |
Would you like to check the commercial potential of your research? Do you think you already have the Next Generation Technology or Service in Life Sciences? Then get the expertise how to commercialize it!
Apply for the International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences, taking place 28th August to 1st September 2017 in Dresden/Germany!
This week-long training programme will teach you how to get your research ideas from the lab to the market. You will learn the basics of technology transfer, enabling you to identify the commercial potential within your research, how to patent and license it, how to develop a spin-off, and how to fund all these activities. You will learn about important pitfalls when approaching industry and get expert coaching on pitching in front of potential investors, including a mock-pitch in front of a real expert investor panel!
Participation is free, accommodation costs of all selected candidates will be covered, and you will receive a travel stipend!
Interested? Then apply now through the online application form on the website. Application is open until 15th June, 2017:
Good luck!
Further info:
Thanks to the success of the previous four International Summer Schools on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences from 2013 to 2016 and the generally positive feedback from participants and lecturers, the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden has established the summer school as an annual event. The programme is practise-oriented and allows participants to develop their own potential ideas and technologies towards commercialisation. During one week they will gain knowledge on technology transfer from experts in the fields of technology evaluation, patenting, licensing, and spin-off development. To round off the programme, they will also be trained in how to pitch in front of potential investors, and be sensitized on important pitfalls when approaching the industry. The summer school will close with a mock pitch, in which all projects developed during the week will be presented in front of an expert jury.
The summer school will take place in Dresden from 28th August – 1st September 2017 with the kind support of external experts on technology transfer.
The online application form is open until 15th June. All complete applications submitted until the deadline will be taken into consideration by the selection panel. Participants will be chosen based on their motivation and background. A positive attitude towards technology transfer is a key requirement and ideally, applicants have already identified a potential project within their field of research. Please note that due to funding regulations, the summer school addresses PhD students, postdocs, and group leaders.
Participation fees do not apply, accommodation will be available free of charge for participants and financial support for travel expenses is available! The summer school is part of TU Dresdens Institutional Strategy, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments.
We would be grateful if you could advertise this opportunity within your institutions and networks again! Please find a prepared text at the end of this email as well as a link to download posters to be printed and distributed within your institutions.